Challenge 2: Twitter wireframe

Ivonne Galicia
2 min readJul 15, 2020

Twitter is a microblogging service that allows the user to have immediate access to news, entertainment, politics, general interests, etc. It was created in 2006 and since then the network has gained worldwide popularity.

UI elements on Twitter

Mobile version of Twitter. Once the user accesses their account, what follows is the home page where the tweets are displayed in chronological order.

Each tweet view is made up of a profile picture, comment, retuit, heart, and share buttons. Each view is separated from another with a line.

At the bottom of the screen are placed the home, search, alert, and message access.

The compose tweet button appears as a prominent element, represented by a pen and a + symbol.

Other elements are the tweet button, add a photo, add image drop-down menu (take a photo, gif or from the gallery), edit image, insert survey, or location.User flow

Twitter is one of my favorite apps because it is simple and it is based on written content limited to a maximum length of 280 characters, making it a much more accessible version for any user who has something to say.

Publish a tweet

From the home page (once the user information has been entered) the following is fully defined in a very intuitive way and giving priority through twitter’s distinctive blue color which emphasizes the action flow. The instructions are reduced to one word, so it’s really easy to interact with the app.

What did I learn from this challenge

No need to over-decorate or overly complex design. Twitter is intended to share short text messages, and therefore interaction within the app can be very simple; But after completing this task, it also highlights that Twitter is not an isolated case and that many apps are made up of basic elements with accents (for example, color) to emphasize the most important things.



Ivonne Galicia

Soy diseñadora UX/UI, escritora y filóloga clásica.